Corporate - Soft Skills - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (D.E.I)

Exploring Unconscious Bias
This training aims at exploring how unconscious bias and preconceived judgements come into play when interacting with others. Participants will gain a better understanding of their own biases and their relationship with behavior.
Power & Privilege
This training aims at understanding various kinds of privileges and oppressions occuring in the workplace. Participants will learn to recognize and reflect on their own privileges/oppressions and how they influence their daily life.
Microaggression & Mental Health
This training aims at addressing the relationship between microaggressions and mental health. Participants are invited to reflect upon microaggressions that may occur in the workplace and their impact on productivity.
Cycle of socialization
This training aims at understanding the relationship between identity and socialization. Participants will reflect on the normalization of policing of gender, race, culture, religion, etc.
Social Identity Wheel- Workshop

This training is aimed to encourage students to consider their identities and how identities are more or less keenly felt in different social contexts.


Students will be familiarized with the concept of privilege and how it operates to normalize some identities over others. They will also be sensitized to their shared identities with others.

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace
Introductory course to the concept of diversity and inclusion. This training aims to introduce various identities and examine the potential barriers to inclusion. It aims to foster a culture of inclusion where employees feel respected and valued.
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Corporate Exploring Unconscious Bias
Corporate Power & Privilege
Corporate Microaggression & Mental Health
Corporate Cycle of socialization
Corporate Social Identity Wheel- Workshop
Corporate Diversity and inclusion in the workplace